Mount Mercy学院
Michele Sixt Melligan, 92年
米歇尔·梅利根(米歇尔Melligan)是Mount Mercy学院 1992届的校友,目前担任该校校长. 她对赋予年轻女孩和妇女权力的热情使她回到了她在仁慈山的根源,以便执行这项使命, not only to inspire the girls to be the best version of themselves, but also to set an example by being a leader and role model. Michele在Fredonia州立大学获得心理学学士学位(辅修社会学),在Canisius大学获得咨询教育和教育领导硕士学位. With over 25 years of experience in the field of Education, Michele is passionate in the social/emotional development of adolescents. In 2013, she developed a small business entitled Empower Girls Buffalo, 这是一个为女孩和年轻女性设计的教育项目,并在全校范围内试行了一个“正念”项目. 她在纽约纽约大学教授专业发展课程,目前是布法罗大学的兼职教授. 最重要的是,米歇尔是三个女儿的骄傲母亲,她们都是Mercy的女孩!
Operations Manager/Logistics and 运输
莫莉巴雷特 graduated from Mount Mercy学院 in 2006. 莫莉获得了克利夫兰约翰卡罗尔大学的工商管理学士学位, OH. 她毕业于圣。. Bonaventure University in 2014 with her Master’s in Business. 她曾在供应链部门担任多个职位,目前担任英迈运输部门的运营经理. Molly was a Leadership Buffalo Rising Leaders graduate in 2021, 它提供了对布法罗社区面临的关键问题的深入看法. Molly is a committee member for the Big Wig Campaign for Susan G. 多年来,他担任过许多其他志愿者的角色. 她还曾担任Mount Mercy大学篮球队的助理教练数年,并担任年度高尔夫锦标赛的委员会成员, which supports Mount Mercy student athletes. Molly’s great aunt was a 慈悲修女 and her Mother was a Mercy alum, 也是一名积极的志愿者. 我们期待着Molly继续她的承诺,让年轻的校友参与到Mount Mercy中来,并与学校保持活跃.
Sister Marilyn Brewer has been in the education field since 1965. 1963年,她进入仁爱修女会,在布法罗教区的多所小学教1-8年级. 她曾担任圣. 约翰福音学校,圣母怜悯学校,和天使报喜学校在艾尔玛. In 1998, 她开始在Immaculata高中教大一和大二的学生神学,直到2013年退休. 目前,她是布法罗、伊利、匹兹堡和罗切斯特教区仁慈协会的主席.
卡拉在杜肯大学获得了BSBA学位,主修市场营销和供应链管理. 2011年,她回到布法罗,为家族公司WNY Imaging Systems工作. 从客户主管开始,后来转变为主要客户经理. She and her husband Drew live in South Buffalo with their two children,
凯特·卡拉汉,注册会计师,MPA, 1970年博士
凯特·卡拉汉(Kate Callahan)获得迈阿密大学护理学学士学位, 哈佛大学医疗保健政策公共管理硕士, 哲学博士(Ph.D.) in Leadership and Adult Education from Barry University. 凯特有一长串的荣誉, 包括但不限于:1999年,她获得了《E世博在线登录》的“女性权力奖”,并在《E世博国际平台》中被评为佛罗里达州100位值得关注的女性领袖之一
Metro" Magazine; In 2006 she was the recipient of the American Red Cross Sara Hopkins Woodruff 椅子man's Spectrum Award for community activism; In 2008 she won the Community Service award from the Miami- Dade County Health Department; In 2009 she was elected to a seat on the Coconut Grove Village Council and was 椅子person for 8 years; Kate was the Finalist of the Chamber of Commerce Health Care Heroes award; In 2012 she won the Trocaire大学 Distinguished Alumna Award for her work in Nursing and Community volunteerism; and in November 2015 Kate was recognized as a distinguished alumna of Mount Mercy学院. 凯特目前住在迈阿密,她曾在芝加哥、洛杉矶和秘鲁生活过. 这些国内和国际视角对学院的战略规划将是无价的.
迈克尔DeLellis, 1965年毕业于主教丁门/圣犹达高中,在纽约州立大学布法罗分校获得学士学位. 经过35年的服务, 他从Health Research Inc .的运营总监职位退休.罗斯威尔公园分部. (Not-for profit corporation which administers research grants, 合同, and Roswell Park’s technology transfer program). 迈克是SS彼得和保罗教区的活跃教区居民,他曾担任学校的家庭学校协会和教区委员会主席. 他与Mt Mercy的联系始于1994年毕业的女儿金伯利(Kimberly)的入学. 迈克在1994年担任第一届凯瑟琳麦考利晚会的主席,并在1993年担任体育部门筹款活动的主席. 自1991年以来,他一直担任仁慈山篮球队的“魔术之声”, chairs the Mount Mercy Athletic Department Committee, 高尔夫锦标赛委员会,是受托人的战略规划和营销委员会的董事会成员.
阿米莉亚目前是西塞内卡镇的副镇监,也是分区上诉委员会的成员. 她还担任Mount Mercy 校董会的副主席和Queen of Heaven Parish的Respect Life协调员. Prior to that, she served as Director of Special Projects & 伊利县书记员米奇·卡恩斯的通讯和西塞内卡镇道德委员会秘书. Before working at the Erie County Clerk's Office, 当卡恩斯在纽约州议会任职时,她担任了三年的行政助理. Amelia had volunteered with several nonprofits and parishes. 她是一名骄傲的Mercy校友. While Amelia was at Mount Mercy学院, 她担任学校大使, 大一大二担任班长,大四担任学生会主席. She graduated from Canisius College with a B.A. 在担任本科生协会主席和董事会学生成员的同时,还担任政治学和商业和哲学两门辅修课程, Board of Regents and 女校友 董事会.
Michalek & 哈林顿
简·哈林顿先生. '92
简·哈林顿(简·哈林顿)是纽约州西塞内卡(West Seneca)的一名执业律师. Her daughters, Olivia ’18, and Grace ’20 are both graduates of Mount Mercy. 简于1995年毕业于卡尼修斯学院,1998年毕业于纽约州立大学布法罗法学院. In addition to being an active Mount Mercy alumna, 简也是胜利圣母大教堂的受托人,并在教区议会任职, 财政委员会, 学校董事会.
卡特琳·赫斯·达尔 ' 06获得战略沟通学士学位和伊利默西赫斯特大学组织领导硕士学位, PA. She has held various director-level marketing roles across higher ed, 人力资源和营销技术公司,目前担任G2客户营销总监, the world's largest and most trusted software marketplace. For her work in Customer Marketing Katlin has been awarded many accolades, 包括被客户营销协会评为100强客户营销策略师和2023年最值得关注的23人之一. Katlin也是总部位于费城的Spruce Foundation的前董事会成员,目前是Shea's Buffalo Young Professionals的创始成员. 她的祖母、姑姑、姐妹和几个堂兄弟姐妹也毕业于泰山. 她希望自己在招聘和营销方面的丰富经验能帮助Mercy继续发展.
Eileen Leary毕业于St. Martin’s school (now known as Notre Dame Academy). 拥有Trocaire大学 in Radiologic Technology的原子吸收学士学位和SUNY University at Buffalo的商业管理学士学位, she has worked 41 years in healthcare. Retired in 2016 as the chief operating officer of 布法罗医疗集团, she continues to consult in healthcare. She has run numerous half marathons and the Dublin Marathon and, 在退休后, 喜欢旅行, 高尔夫球, pickleball, 园艺, and keeping up with family and friends.
ECC /尼亚加拉大学
Sr. Cristel Mejía, RSM博士
克里斯特尔·梅加修女,皇家医学博士. I am a member of the Sisters of Mercy of the Americas. I was born in Lima, but lived in Ica Peru. I was educated by the Spanish Dominicans and the Sisters of Mercy.
我是纽约州立大学伊利社区学院的西班牙语教授. 我在美国住了52年,在布法罗住了43年. I have taught Spanish at all levels for over 36 years.
I love to travel, cook and bake, especially apple pies!
Education Background (degrees received and Institutions attended)
Ph.D., University at Buffalo, Spanish Language and Literature, 2006
MA., University at Buffalo, Spanish Language and Literature, 2006
MS. Ed.尼亚加拉大学,1987年
B.A., California State University, Sacramento, 1982
Minor: English as a Second Language for the Spanish Speaking
A. A.1978年,特罗凯尔学院
Catholic Health Mission Integration Committee of the Board
Modern Language Association of America
American Council of the Teaching of Foreign Languages
Sociedad Nacional Hispánica, Sigma Delta Pi
Honors / Awards: Diocesan Teacher of the Year, Buffalo, 1990
SUNY Erie Community College: 2008 - Present
尼亚加拉大学:2007 - 2008
布法罗大学:2001- 2007
Mount Mercy学院: 1982-83; 1987-2000
Retired - Coordinator of Global Achievements
Sr. 玛丽安·马伦,RSM
玛丽安·穆伦修女相信, 就像凯瑟琳·麦考利那样, that “Education makes possible a life of dignity and self-worth.玛丽安修女大部分时间都在特罗凯尔学院从事教育工作,在学生事务处担任各种职务. 在2022年退休之前, 在担任全球成就项目协调员期间,她欢迎出生在美国大陆以外的学生. 玛丽安姐姐以前曾担任仁慈的姐妹和杰拉德地方和CHS长期护理的董事会的领导团队. She is a current board member of Nativity Miguel Middle School. 玛丽安修女渴望与广大WNY社区分享Mount Mercy学院的好消息及其成就.
查尔斯·J. 卖家 & Co.公司.
托马斯卖家 is Vice President of 查尔斯·J. 卖家 & Co.公司.是一家位于汉堡的保险代理/经纪人/第三方管理人.Y. and celebrating 100 years in business. Tom is proud to be the father of four Mercy graduates. 他毕业于Canisius学院和纽约州立大学布法罗法学院.
美林(Merrill Lynch)
Vice President - Senior Portfolio Advisor
汤姆维维安 is a graduate of Bishop Timon-St. 裘德和加尼修斯学院. 他是纽约威廉斯维尔美林公司的副总裁兼高级投资组合顾问. He holds multiple certifications and licenses: Certified Financial Planner (CFP ®); Certified Plan Fiduciary Advisor (CPFA®); Chartered Retirement Planning Counselor (CRPC ®); Sports & Entertainment Accredited Wealth Management Advisor (SE-AWMA ™); and Series 7 & 66名持牌金融专业人士. Thomas has a strong connection to Mount Mercy学院, 因为他的母亲和两个姐妹都是毕业生,也是我们校友的活跃成员.
Sr. 人才发展伙伴
布丽安娜威尔逊 PHR is a 2008 graduate from Mount Mercy学院. 她毕业于布法罗大学,获得工商管理学士学位,主修人力资源. Upon graduation from UB, she began her career at Walsh Duffield Cos.公司, a local independent insurance agency, serving as an HR Generalist. Brianna went on to work at Evans Bank, 当地社区银行, as an Employee Experience Business Partner, 随后被提升为公司的学习和发展经理. 在埃文斯银行任职期间, she obtained the Bank titles of Officer and Assistant Vice President, earned the President's Award for Integrity in 2020, and was the 椅子 of the Associate lead 多样性 & 加入理事会. Brianna目前在Billtrust工作, 全球SaaS公司, 作为高级人才发展合作伙伴,她的工作重点是高层领导和管理人员的学习和发展, 员工敬业度, 人才战略, 绩效管理, 组织变革管理. She also has past experience in employee relations, 招聘和人员配置, 好处, 工资管理, 和遵从性.
Brianna于2015年获得了人力资源认证协会(HRCI)的人力资源专业人员(PHR®)认证,并将继续保持这一称号. 她最近完成了Co-Active培训学院教练项目,目前正在认证过程中,并将在未来六个月内成为认证Co-Active教练,届时她将利用这一能力作为内部教练,以发展和帮助他人实现他们的伟大.
布里安娜的一些荣誉和职业成就包括作为2019年纽约银行家协会女性银行业会议的小组成员参加. She participated in the Buffalo Niagara Partnership Executive 多样性 & 2020年共融交流. She was a recipient of the Business First IDEA Award in 2021, 认可围绕“共融”所做的努力, 多样性, 她专注于在埃文斯银行开展强化DEI项目,从而提高了公平意识. 最近, she planned and executed a Leadership Summit in San Jose, 由Billtrust的60位高管和领导人组成,主讲嘉宾是两届FIFA女足世界杯冠军和三届奥运会奖牌得主布兰迪·查斯坦(Brandi Chastain)! 这次活动融入了慈善元素,参与者可以为男孩们制造自行车 & 圣何塞女子俱乐部.
Brianna has been an active member of the Mount Mercy Community, volunteering her time on the Alumni 董事会 from 2015-2020. 她最初担任董事会成员, 在2017年当选副总统, and served as President for a brief time in 2020. 布里安娜还活跃于布法罗大学管理学院的校友客座演讲. 目前,她担任董事会多元化主席和董事会秘书.